Vulnerability Management
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Last updated
Vulnerability Scan Results: The CyberCyte portal can integrate with Tenable Nessus and OpenVAS, in this section users can see the vulnerabilities collected from Nessus and OpenVAS. For integration please go to Settings & Reporting -> Credential Settings and create a credential for OpenVAS or Nessus, after creating the credential please go to Settings & Reporting -> Integration Settings -> Repository Management and create a repository. During the creation, please define the remote credential. If the CyberCyte portal is running on the cloud, please select the sensor and disable "Poll from Server"; if the CyberCyte portal is running on-premises and if the portal server can reach the OpenVAS or Nessus, please select "Poll from Server" and don't select anything on Sensor section. After these steps, results will appear on the Vulnerability Scan Results page.
Vulnerability Scan Plugins: This section displays vulnerability scan plugins according to the vendor. The users can analyze the results with another visibility layer with this section.
Windows Applications: This section displays Windows application analysis results. The users can analyze the risk scores and CVSS scores of the application. Also, users can see the vulnerability details and can delete the application as well.
Microsoft IIS ISAPI Filter and Handlers: This section displays Windows IIS ISAPI filter and handlers analysis results. Also, users can do remediation for analysis results.