Portal Server
Each article describes a different situation.
Solution for: "failed to create fs.notify watcher: too many open files" error, execute this command on the master node machine:
sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=2099999999
sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_instances=2099999999
sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_queued_events=2099999999
sysctl -p
Solution for authentication: If sec.yaml keys and values are the same on the UI and yaml, redeploy the sec component. But this time please only use yaml file instead of adding keys & values by hand, Rancher encrypts secrets in his own way. If key & value fields are given by hand, Rancher's encryption is not working and an authentication problem will happen.
If portal is not working after assigning the proxy settings you have to reset the rancher. For rancher reset, after these steps you have to deploy rancher and do the deployment step by step again:
docker rm -fv $(docker ps -a -q)
docker volume rm -f $(docker volume ls)
sudo reboot -h now
sudo su
rm -rf /run/secrets/kubernetes.io
rm -rf /var/lib/etcd
rm -rf /var/lib/kubelet
rm -rf /var/lib/rancher
rm -rf /etc/kubernetes
rm -rf /opt/rke/etc/kubernetes/ssl
docker volume rm -f $(docker volume ls)
sudo reboot -h now
If the onprem.cloudcyte.com gives "cannot get/" error, please check the auth pod. Sometimes it needs to be restarted.
If the servers have issue with connecting to the internet, please check:
certificates -> "Storage -> Secrets" on rancher
configmap -> "Storage -> ConfigMaps" on rancher, there should be no_proxy/NO_PROXY and http(s)_proxy/HTTP(s)_PROXY fields
pods -> check the pods that have config maps proxy variables
Check DNS Port:
ss -lptn 'sport = :53'
Show docker container logs of the rancher:
docker logs -f <container_id>
For applying the proxy settings again or resetting the rancher, please download the settings.sh file from https://download.cloudcyte.com/yamls/settings.sh. Move the settings.sh file under the /usr/bin directory and give 755 access. After that run settings.sh anywhere in the server by typing "setting.sh". After execution, please enter the required credentials(proxy user and password are not required by default, use it only if the customer gives one). The script will be asking which option should be taken, if the 8.th option is selected script will do all the required steps for proxy settings. Make sure the root CA certificate is correct. After that please reboot the machine.
Last updated
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